04 June 2009

This is Yet Another Blog on how to properly install & configure a SharePoint 2007 development client installation. I've read many different blogs and noticed pretty substantial inconsistencies and invariably most come to the conclusion that Your Mileage May Vary. Case and point, in my dev environment, I'm optimized for the current bleeding edge, and there is a whole lot of blood. Dev setup:

  • Windows 2008 Server 64 bit for the Dev Server
  • One configuration that didn't work for the Dev Client - Windows 7 RC1 (Build 7100) 64 bit (HP Compaq workstation, 2gb ram); the reason that I need to have a client/server is due to a limitation of Visual Studio 2008 and VS 2010 Beta 1's SharePoint Workflow Project creation running on a 64 bit OS - http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=325668
  • Dev Client - Windows XP SP3, dual core E2220 CPU at 2.4 GHz, 2GB RAM


to be continued...

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