
Showing posts from October, 2020


…INTRODUCTIONS, Pt. 1 “How shall we begin?” Let us see. Um, turns out this is not easy to do right. Suppose you have two strangers. You want them to work together for a long time, even years, ceremoniously making great software. One is The Bespoken Consultant. Proud of their shoes in every way. Then we have the Computer Guru. Crafty, tenured.   How do we mix them well. What is important to say. Who is to say what, and in what order. How do we leave any politics out the door. How do we focus together on the matter at hand. This is not going to assist in the matter of focusing on the matter at hand.  The Twilight Zone — To Serve Man In this screenshot from To Serve Man, an Alien struggles to say Hello to Humans and vice versa. (the link goes to a youtube page, with the Twilight Zone) Disappointment is hope in despair. An infinite loop, including the following steps: Hope Expectations Surprises Disappointments Redemption hope...