Reading List for Survivalists

R ecently I came across a blog post that had a list of (physical) books that would be important to have on hand just-in-case. It reminded me of the beautiful work by Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven , Lucifer's Hammer , in which a comet slams into the earth and the ensuing struggle of survival is documented in gorgeous detail. The tone of life after "Hammerfall" is one where those who do not have valuable professions for a world without power or civilization are relegated to being manual laborers, regardless of their socioeconomic status or profession before the Fall. One of the interesting things woven throughout the book is a subtle dropping of a list of books. I'll include that list in a follow-up post here, so watch this space. For now, here is the aforementioned blog post, from codenameinsight : The Survivalist's Bookshelf When it comes to preparing for disaster, almost everything you need to do/know/learn can be found online. There may be a ...